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Click text to go to Consignment Shop, thanks.  Lots to see there, believe me.  Very select pieces and tightly decidedly carried so that the inventory doesn't sit long.  Most pieces are in the Shopping Cart.

Unique Resources

Being open-minded
Flexible.  Honest as the day is long...
Already having gained the experience helps to get fear out of the way....and that's where the creativity can kick in because the "how" part is out of the way...then the fun begins.
Generous with my time and resources.
Virgo Sun.  Cancer rising.  Aries Moon.
If you don't know what that means, for God's sake look it up.  It means tons...all good, especially as an entrepreneur and a seamstress.
Alterations & Repairs

Pretty much, since I was 7 or 8 years old I was sewing and repairing, well, just about everything. (history)


Now, from bustling a train for a wedding dress, adjustments, additions, adornments & hemming pants and jeans (properly, I might add), I offer my services to you with over 40 years of experience.  And I am quicker than most, not cost prohibitive, and believe me, it's a money saver to fix something you love rather than throw it out.  


But keep those garage sales coming and those donations to the thrift stores and to my consignment shop because I do an awful lot of good with what others don't deem as salvageable or needed anymore.​​

Also posted on my Facebook Events page.
Michele's Art & Apparel.

Oh, and to buy something from me/this site go to Marketplace to see what's listed.  If it isn't I'll set it up there and/or make a quick phone call to me and we'll figure it out.
Teaching (What I do - the skills to make what you see on this site)

All of these skills that took me so long to learn can be taught.  Mostly, I'm self-taught.  Sometimes, something just needed to be done at that moment and there wasn't a resource to refer to to get the answers I've needed.  But, bits or lots of experience in doing something and having the luck and wherewithal to find countless tools and whatnots have gotten me through those learning moments.  


Big lessons, small techniques and everything in between I'm just so anxious to share with others.  Getting past those fears and questions and explaining how and especially the "WHY'S" something is done can either launch a career or simply get things here and there accomplished around the house and for friends in a pinch.


Knowledge is power.  I certainly don't know everything and I'm also continuously learning but sharing knowledge and's in the plan, here, soon anyway.  Call and we'll schedule times to meet and all of this accomplishing can be a real thing.


This whole website....This is using Wix and a blank template.  I can teach this, too.  "Off continent assistance" is provided to me and I've learned how to use that resource but there's tons of tricks I can share without the hassle of searching for answers or waiting for the call back and explaining a problem that's not even clear to yourself.  Perhaps you'll want to launch yourself out there to the world with your new skills or offer products, too.  I love, adore, what I do, every second, and sharing and doing for others is in my DNA.  Expanding into this idea of ALL OF IT...EEEEK...SO EXCITING.


All of this loveliness of teaching and sharing...

Let's just say it is reasonably priced.  I don't have a flat rate for any of this. As asked for a teaching session I will figure that out and it would be discussed at that time.  Not everyone wants the same things out of this or the frequency of the visit here or the materials it takes to get the job done or learning are all situations have varying factors/prices.  But, my time and your time are also valuable and it's all very much in consideration.

Oh, yea...the skills and such...what, exactly, are they...?

If you see it on this site...that's what I do and THAT'S what I can teach you.  But, to be fair, yep, like all of you, probably, I've learned tons from books, pamphlets, the internet, too.  And who doesn't get lost in Pinterest??  But, having that one-on-one guidance right in front of you sure helps.  Questions and answers in real time really are key to grasping a concept and moving on.  Mostly, it's gaining confidence in the learning. At least, I feel that way.  A teacher that 'gets it', being new at something is something I absolutely hate so I'll do my best to help out there.

Sharing (Supplies that help you get it done)

Anyone who's had to help me move or witnessed peering into my work-space would look at me and say, "what the...?"   Well, obviously there is a method to all of this madness.  And, I'm always so proud to say that being a consummate VIRGO helps; I love tedium, organizing and serving others.  Again, as I've said just above there, 'this is in my DNA.' 


I have a true, inherent ability to sniff out a great find or to know how to use that "whatever that thing there is" for 'something,' and at the time I pick it up or it's HANDED to me freely, is GOING TO BE a very useful item or fabric or finding that proved to be invaluable.  So...yep, I have a lot to share.  It's all a part of getting "IT" done.  Teaching, for me,  is not just showing  someone 'how' and 'why' it's done a certain way but it's also providing the materials and the excitement of taking that crazy idea and turning it into a reality and sharing the tools or fabric to do it. 

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